I first knew I could sing before an audience when I was 14. I discovered that I could communicate what was in my heart through music. I had an interest in playing instruments since my childhood days, majorly contributed by the fact that my elder brother has been...
Acoustic Piano As Art

Acoustic Piano As Art

When we think of art, our minds often drift to paintings, sculptures, or perhaps a beautifully crafted piece of furniture. But what if I told you that an acoustic piano is not just an instrument? In the world of luxury and fine living it is a masterpiece of art. From...
Piano Care Tips.

Piano Care Tips.

Do you have a piano at home or an institution that you are running into some trouble maintaining its condition? Here are seven essential piano care tips every piano owner needs to know to gain the most enjoyment from their beloved instrument. Keep your piano tuned...
Piano, Organ or Keyboard?

Piano, Organ or Keyboard?

To most, there is usually no difference between a piano, a keyboard and an organ from a layman’s point of view. The most common of the three is the keyboard which most of the users refer to it as a piano or organ. There correlation amongst the three, though....

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